Sunday, January 26, 2014

Twinsfest Part 4- Photos and Legendary Nickname

After the "Highfivers" reached their goal and beat it, we went venturing the service level and waiting for players to come out of the Autograph Station #4 and the Photo Booth. We walked over to the same place where we encountered Mr. Fingers, and talked to Jim "Mudcat" Grant. We asked him a question on how he got his nickname.

"When I started playin' ball, the managers thought that I was from Mississippi, so they called me Mudcat, y'all understand?. They said that because there are a lot of mud cats in the Mississippi River, but I'm from Lacoochee, Florida." We talked a little while longer, then left.

We stopped high fiving to go have some lunch. It was so packed, we had to find a table next to the children face painter. Then, we went and shot some hoops and got photos with these ballplayers:

We also had an funny/hilarious encounter with Chris Collabello. We were playing hoops, and therefore started this dialogue:
"Hey, Mr Collabello, what's up?
"Nothing much, man."
I go up, and shoot a 19 on the basketball arcade game, and then say:
"Hey Wilson, beat that man!"
Collabello sharply interrupts,
"Nah man! Beat my 48 I put up yesterday!"
Wilson proceeds to get a 27. Then us and Collabello, proceed to do a soul shake. Whatever that was. More tomorrow. Peace
Samuel Deduno and I

Eric Fryer (acquired in the Morneau deal) and I

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