Donald Lutz
My interview with
Donald Lutz went awesome. I interviewed him as a member of the Triple AAA
Louisville Bats. Unfortunately, he was released about a week after this interview was taken place. Lutz is the
first German developed player to play in the MLB.
Lutz played for the
Cincinnati Reds. Lutz had a .211 career average over two years and had a
.987% career fielding percentage with a
-0.5 WAR (Wins Above Replacement). Here's the rest of the interview- it was conducted over email (this is a direct transcript).
1. What's an interesting characteristic about you that no
one on your team knows?
Haha I I've been around some of these guys for the past 7
years so they kinda know me pretty good!
2. Who is your
favorite German athlete besides yourself (meaning the athlete you
admired/revered while you were in Germany)?
My favourite German athlete was always Dirk Nowitzki, not
just because of all the success he had but the way he was on and off the field!
3. When was your first professional home run?
My first professional homerun I hit in 2008 I think in the
Gulf Coast League against the Twins to complete my first cycle.
4. When was your first hit and who was it off of?
Not sure if you mean professional hit it first hit ever haha
But my first hit ever was an inside the park homerun in
I hit a ball over the center fielders head and ran like
crazy lol
5. When did you sign your first autograph?
I signed my first autograph 2007 when I signed my
professional contract I also signed my friends reds hat
6. One state in the
U.S. you'd like to visit but haven't yet.... Why?
Just havnt had time yet or the opportunity to go there but
one day I will!
Just heard good things about it and I love traveling the
7. Who's your
favorite old-time baseball player?
Funny thing is I don't really have one because I never even
watched or heard anything of baseball until I was 15
8. If you had to assemble your starting lineup (all baseball
players that have existed), who'd be on the team?
Let’s skip 8!
Lutz w/his awesome mustache |
9. The most imposing pitcher you've faced this year is...?
Haven't really faced many guys this year due to injury!
10. Having a short stint in the Majors, how different is AAA
life from Major League life?
It's really different in the majors you just get treated like
a king everywhere you go!
11. Who's the
funniest guy on your team?
We had a bunch of funny guys on the team so I can't really
point one out!
12. What's your favorite visiting ballpark in AAA?
I like
Indy the most it's a really nice park and always fun
to play!
13. What's the weirdest experience that has happened to you
this year?
I had tommy john lol that was pretty weird.
14. Where do you see
yourself after baseball?
I can see myself being a financial advisor or built my own
15. Who's the best
player you've seen come through Louisville?
Donald Lutz (myself)